
Salzburg’s salt mines

Salzburg literally translates into ‘salt castle’. The name of both city and province derives from the mines in which salt was extracted as far back as the Celtic era. Alongside the precious metals of gold and silver, this ‘white gold’ generated a considerable income for Salzburg’s ruling prince-bishops. Salt mining fell into decline in the Habsburg era, when deposits elsewhere were favoured for mining purposes.

The fascinating subterranean world of the salt mines can be explored at various sites around the province. Take your seminar participants underground for a guided tour and marvel at how centuries of salt miners performed this gruelling, often back-breaking work.

Rahmenprogramme in Salzburg

Salzburg bietet allen kulturbegeisterten eine grosse Auswahl an Programmen das ganze Jahr durch. Die Geburtsstadt Mozarts ist jedoch nicht nur für seine Festspiele bekannt. Lassen Sie sich auch vom Umland Salzburgs inspirieren und finden Sie das optimale Rahmenprogramm für Ihre Tagung oder Ihre Veranstaltung.

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